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How To Write An MLA Dissertation: Professional Advice

MLA style is basically the writing format that is recommended by the Modern Language Association. It is a commonly used writing style especially in the humanities fields such as literature and composition. There are a few things to note when it comes to MLA style different from the other styles such as APA style. This is why you should be sure about what format is required before you can begin writing. Let us look at some of the things to note about MLA style of essay writing:

Basic concepts of MLA style

  • Always apply a double space all through your essay be it in the text, notes or in the quotes that you may use in your essay.
  • Always use a one -inch margin all through starting from the top, bottom, right and to the left.
  • In case you mention a title of a book, pamphlet, newspapers, journal or magazine in your essay, always be sure to underline it
  • In case you want to introduce a quoted material or make your personal opinion, consider the use of present tense.

What to observe

  • Avoid plagiarism
  • In your essay body, you may have to quote words of another person and particularly when narrating a story. Plagiarism is considered an offence whether used deliberately or unintentionally. You can easily avoid this by acknowledging the source of information. A works cited page or an in-text citation can be really instrumental. In-text citation is achieved by introducing the quoted statement with opening speech marks and use of closing speech marks to close the statement.

  • Quotation length
  • In case the quotation that you use in the essay is less than four lines, you can place it onside the quotation marks. However, in cases where you have used more than four lines, ensure that the content is indented. Only use one left inch in the indentation and use a double space. In that, it is not necessary to use quotation marks.

    In case you have decided to use more than one paragraph as quotation, ensure that each of the first line of the paragraph has a left one-inch indentation.

  • Conclusion
  • Writers who use MLA format as it is supposed build a sense of trust by standing accountable for their writing. Even better, MLA format shields the writers from any allegations of plagiarism. This is achieved by the citation of sources of any information which MLA insists on. For your MLA dissertation, try out this agency.


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